Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Author Interview with Shelley Workinger!

Hello, guys! Today I am here with Shelley Workinger, author of SOLID, for a little interview. I recently reviewed Shelley's book... and I loved it! I hope you guys pick it up soon, because you won't regret it!

1. How long did it take you to write Solid?

It took 4 months to rough out a semblance of a draft, particularly since I started with Chapter 12, then jumped all over the place. Work shopping and rewrites brought the total time to about 15 months.

2. Where did you come up with the name Calliope?

My husband and I had our first kiss at the corner of St. Charles and Calliope St. during
a Mardi Gras parade. And it also happened to be my 21st birthday.

3. What made you want to be published by Create Space?

A friend of mine published through them and had a great experience, she sold me.

4. The plot in Solid is incredible. How did you ever think of such an extraordinary plot?

I first dreamt the romantic scene that is now Chapter 12. The more I thought about it, the
more I wanted to explore how those 2 people could end up in that scene, so I kept asking
questions like "where are they?" and "why are they there?" until eventually had a storyline.

5. What is your favourite colour?

The colour of the sky at night when you can't decided if it's blue or purple or even black.

6. How many books do we expect to see in the Solid series?

I initially planned for it to be a trilogy, but based on the feedback I've received I would
consider taking the characters farther.

7. At what age did you start writing?

I clearly remember writing the story of the "Hippityhorskunfoo" in the second grade- a tale
of a bunny/horse/skunk (the "foo" ending referred to "The Little Bunny Foo", as my
wondrous creature was bunny on both ends - ears and tail). That may have been my first major undertaking. :)

8. Any different projects other than the Solid series that you are working on that you can tell us?

Between launching the first book and writing the second, the only project I have time for is
nap-training :)

9. When should we expect more books from you?

"Settling" is due to be released in 2011, though I wish I could accelerate the process as my
thoughts are already racing ahead to Book 3!

10. Thank you so much for the interview. One last question, what is your biggest advice for aspiring authors?

Believe in yourself. From the moment you declare yourself a writer, there will be people who say, "Isn't that cute?" (and when you hand those same people a printed copy, they'll probably
also say, "wow, it's like a real book!") Don't let them belittle your effort.

Thank you so much, Shelley!

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